Ways to Build Leadership Skills in Children

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In this article, you’ll learn how to build leadership skills in your children. But let’s talk about the meaning of leadership first!

What is leadership in children?

Leadership is the capacity to exert influence and provide direction over subordinates or other group members. It entails figuring out how to get others to believe in your vision, communicating that vision effectively, establishing realistic goals that everyone can work toward, and providing your team with the resources they need to achieve those goals.

Leadership skills is the ability to inspire other people to work towards a common objective. Tony Robbins, a motivational speaker, describes it as “a potent skill that can be mastered through time.” It’s not possible to generalize about what makes a good leader. This means that even very young children can learn how to effectively lead through explicit supervision.

What Makes a Good Leader?

Studies show that anyone, even very young children, can learn how to be a leader. 

Being a leader in the classroom goes beyond merely getting a new student comfortable. It’s about learning to think on your own, collaborate well with others, and leave a meaningful mark on the world.

A leader’s role is to both motivate their followers to take action and guide their every move once they’ve taken that action. They have excellent communication skills and the kind of analytical mind that allows them to figure out where their efforts will have the greatest impact. Young people can learn a lot from any of the many leadership-building activities that are available to them today. 

Ways to Build Leadership Skills in Children

To live a happy and meaningful life, one must be able to connect with and inspire other people. Instilling in young people the qualities of a leader will help them grow into contributing members of society, achieve their goals, and build a community of people who have their backs.

Every child has the capacity to take the lead in some aspect of their life. Leadership styles can range from enthusiastic and sociable to quiet and introverted. Moreover, having a strong mentor relationship is a key factor in developing future leaders. Every day is a new chance to show your kids what it means to be a leader and inculcate those qualities in them.

Here are some ways that can help you build leadership skills in your children:

Volunteer Together

You may strengthen your bond with your children and broaden their perspective by taking them away from their everyday routine and volunteering together. Your kids can observe for themselves what people in your area are in need of. Remind them of the difference they could make if they gave their time to helping others.

Teach them Communication Skills

Demonstrate how you share the joy of a celebration with others. Show them that you can both agree to disagree civilly and lavish praise on others. Asking young children questions like “Are you mad because your sibling grabbed your toy?” or “Are you irritated because your tower tipped over?” might help them put words to their feelings. Encourage them to keep working on their interpersonal skills, as these are essential for any leader who hopes to succeed.

Encourage them to go on their own path

You are not your children. Recognizing them as individuals with distinct interests and strengths, and encouraging them to develop those areas will help in their leadership growth. Your children may have interests that are totally opposite to your own; inspire them to follow their own passions rather than those of their parents. Help your children put their wild ideas into action by having a family brainstorming session when this occurs.

Nurture an Entrepreneurial Spirit

Encourage your children’s entrepreneurial spirit by helping them create signs for a lemonade stand or flyers for a property maintenance service. Help them come up with a pitch and give them a chance to run through it in front of you.

Surround them with leaders

Teach your children to look up to people who have achieved great things in life. A fantastic method to help your child grow is to introduce them to people who have achieved success in a field that interests them.


You can never overemphasize the value of good listening skills. Leaders that are truly effective at what they do are good listeners and people-watchers.

Encourage Perseverance

It’s painful to see your child experience failure at any level, whether it’s his first crush, a lost championship game, or an F on an exam. The lessons they learn from those experiences, though, can last a lifetime. Instructing your children in the art of getting themselves up after setbacks and going on is a priceless gift you can give them.

Teach them Negotiation Skills

Start at home by giving children the opportunity to practice negotiation skills with the goal of finding solutions that benefit everyone involved.

Demonstrate Responsibility and Integrity

Prove to them that you are capable of uplifting people through your words and deeds. You should honor your word. You should always be there for other people, and you should show your children how to do the same. Even if it’s hard, always try to be the bigger person after you’ve been wronged. Stress the value of self-awareness and admitting fault to your children.

Encourage Teamwork

Young people who take part in team sports and other group activities increase their chances of developing leadership skills that will serve them well throughout their lives. Children benefit from teamwork because it teaches them to work together, be supportive of one another, work toward a common goal, regulate their emotions, communicate clearly, and contribute when others are counting on them.

Give them choices

Give young children a choice between two products, such as two different nutritious snacks or two different sippy cups. As your children grow older, give them more complex options. Offering your children a range of options increases their sense of control and empowers them to make responsible decisions as they grow up, which in turn boosts their self-esteem.

Emphasize the value of reading

Children who read widely have a broader perspective and open minds to new experiences.

The Bottom Line

A teacher or parent can effectively instill the values discussed in this article into their students or children by setting an example of those values in practice. Before you try to teach these values to your kids, you should all take a look at how you act and decide if it matches up with these values.

The best ways for students to learn are through experience and observation. Teachers, parents, and other adults in a child’s life need to set an example of effective leadership for the child to follow. Also, it’s important for young people to have chances to practice leadership in situations that go beyond what they learn in school. 

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