Common Problems in Child Behavior

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Every child has different behavioral characteristics. However, parents face difficulties when their children’s behavior becomes problematic. In this article, let’s learn about child behavior problems and their solutions!

What is Child Behavior?

“Behavior” is a term that describes how a person acts and responds in a given situation. That which they do, feel, and think in response to normal circumstances. Interfering with a child’s daily life is what we mean when we talk about their “challenging behavior.”

In order to maintain balance and give their children the best possible start in life, busy families must implement effective behavior management strategies.

Issues with self-regulation, sensory processing, language comprehension and/or use, executive functioning, social skills, and planning are common major causes of behavior problems.

Whether you’re dealing with an active child or a child with a strong will, you’ll likely encounter some of the same common behavioral issues. To what extent your child repeats these behaviors in the future depends on how you react to them.

Common Problems in Child Behavior

Here are some common problems with your child’s behavior:


Three primary motivations for children’s dishonesty are attention seeking, avoiding punishment, and self-improvement.

Once the intention to lie has been recognized, the most effective next step can be chosen.

Ask your child, “Is that what really happened or what you wish would have happened?” when you catch him or her in a lie. The next time your kid lies to you, raise the stakes on the punishment. Create a rule in your home that says, “Tell the truth,” to emphasize the value of truthfulness.

When your child tells the truth, especially if it could cause them trouble, it’s important to acknowledge and applaud their honesty. Just use a phrase like, “And I’m especially proud of your sincerity in admitting that you ate the cupcake anyway, despite my explicit disapproval.” “Because you told the truth, I will still take away your video games today, but I will not take them away from you tomorrow.”


Defiance is a challenging behavior to address, whether your child simply refuses to listen when you tell them to pick up their toys or insists on banging a toy on the floor repeatedly. However, it’s not unusual for children to test boundaries.

You should only give one warning when your child is being disobedient. Tell them, “You can watch TV after you pick up your toys.”

After giving a warning, if your child still doesn’t listen, it’s time to impose some form of discipline. If you are consistent, your child will eventually listen to you the first time you say something to them.

Spending too much time in front of screens

Refusing to limit their screen time is another common behavior problem in children. It doesn’t matter if your kid throws a fit when you tell them to turn off the TV or sneaks onto your phone and plays a game when you’re not looking. Limit screen time for all electronic devices in a strict manner. Reduce your child’s screen time even more if you notice they are showing signs of addiction.

Be a good example and discipline your child by taking away electronics when they disobey. To make sure everyone in the family can get by without their gadgets, you might want to institute a regular digital detox.

Food-Related Problems

They might be too picky to eat anything. Maybe your kid is always saying, “I’m hungry,” or he or she sneaks food at inappropriate times. It’s important to tread lightly when dealing with behaviors related to food because they can escalate into power struggles and self-esteem conflicts.

Take steps to help your children develop a positive relationship with food. Teach your kid that food is meant to fuel the body, not to ease their feelings of sadness or boredom.

Avoid using phrases such as “vegetables are healthy”. Most children have the misconception that healthy foods taste bad. Instead, emphasize the deliciousness of vegetables and other healthful foods. Serve one meal that everyone can agree on as healthy, and limit the amount of time they have between meals to snack.

Disrespectful Behavior

Disrespectful behavior can take many forms, but the most common ones include calling someone a bad word, throwing objects at them, making fun of them, and so on. If it is not effectively addressed, it will only worsen over time.

Sometimes, ignoring your child is the best option when they are trying to get your attention. Let your kid know that you won’t give them the reaction they want if they stick their tongue out at you.

If your child is rude to you, such as by calling you a name, you should have a serious conversation with them about the importance of using respectful language. Spell out that you won’t tolerate the language’s use in your home.


The more successful your child is at getting what they want, the more likely they are to whine. Reduce whining before it escalates into a major issue. 

Ignoring the problem is a good first step. Teach your child that whining will not sway you from your decision. When they stop whining, reward them with your attention.

Help your child learn healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with negative emotions like disappointment. Demonstrate that it is more effective to say, “I’m sad we can’t visit the play area today,” than to complain about how unfair it is that you can’t really take them to play in the rain.

Act of Impulsiveness

It’s not surprising that a 4-year-old would hit, given that children of that age are typically physically impulsive. Children of school age and up are more likely to act on impulse with their words, which can lead to them saying hurtful things to others.

Parents can use a wide variety of resources to help their children learn self-control.

One easy way to help a child be less impulsive is to praise them when they use self-control. Tell them, “You did a good job controlling your temper today by using your words,” or “You made the right decision by walking away when you were angry.”

Bedtime behavior problems

Bedtime can be difficult if your child is a fussy sleeper, won’t go to sleep on their own, or wants to cuddle. Without help, your kid might develop sleep problems.

Young children’s behavior problems may worsen if they don’t get enough sleep. Lack of sleep has also been linked to other health problems.

Establish a regular bedtime routine and set firm bedtime rules. Creating a routine that is consistent and beneficial for children’s sleep is essential. As such, don’t give up if you have to send your kid back to bed a dozen times an hour. Their bedtime behavior will get better over time.


If your child is aggressive, he or she might throw a textbook when they can’t figure out a problem. Or it could lead to real violence, like one sibling punching out another sibling over something that has nothing to do with the problem.

Some children indulge in aggression because they haven’t learned healthy ways to deal with their emotions. Some people are perfectionists who lose it whenever anything goes wrong.

Young children, especially toddlers and preschoolers, often exhibit aggressive tendencies. The good news is that as your child develops and learns new things, his or her aggression should naturally lessen.

Temper Tantrums

Toddlers and preschoolers are especially prone to temper tantrums. However, they can quickly spread to the primary level if not addressed.

Ignoring a child who is having a tantrum is one effective method of dealing with them. Show your kids that yelling, kicking, and screaming will not get them what they want. It’s also critical to show them more productive ways of communicating their wants and desires.

If your kid ever acts aggressively, make him or her pay for it right away. If your child has wronged another person, you can help them make amends by taking away a privilege and requiring them to make compensation. Don’t wait for aggression to improve on its own; instead, get help from a trained professional if necessary. 


Consistency in discipline is key in dealing with behavioral problems in children. It’s important to remember that children, like adults, occasionally experience regression. At eight years old, your child may start talking like a baby again or become defiant again after months of conforming. Your child may simply be going through a normal, necessary stage of development.

But if your child’s behavior problems aren’t improving in spite of your best efforts at discipline, or if they’ve begun to interfere with your child’s schoolwork or friendships, you should consult with a pediatrician. You should rule out the possibility that it is a medical issue, a learning disability, or a problem with how the child is growing up. 

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