GRIP Learning Profile

GRIP Learning Profile™ was developed to help learners identify their preferred learning styles. We can define learning styles as preferences and tendencies students have for certain way of taking in and processing information and how they generally respond to different instructional formats and cognitive environments. GRIP Learning Profile™ is developed through extensive research on the underlying factors within us that influences our thinking and behaviours with regards to our learning. Different learning methodologies and psychological models were compared and evaluated extensively over the years to come out with our current version of a Learning Profile that includes all the major modalities that we deem as important influencing factors to a person’s learning preferences and abilities.

The Learning Profile Engine is built based on the following four pillars that we have identified that contributes significantly to our learning process. Each of the modalities have been widely researched and applied in many academic and professional scenarios to help people gain awareness into their learning styles and preferences. Customized and specific techniques can then be applied to drastically improve learning performance.

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Optimum Learning Process

Personality Factors – Typology

The GRIP Learning Profile™ – Personality Factors is built upon the Typology profiling method devised by Carl Jung. Carl Jung is a Swiss psychologist whose theory in Personality Psychology fundamentally underpins many of the popular and highly regarded personality systems that we are using today. Jung’s work and influence extend way beyond just understanding about personality – he is considered to be one of the greatest thinkers ever to have theorized about life and how people relate to it. Carl Jung’s key book in this regard, “Psychological Types”, published in 1921, explained his theories about personality type and laid the very foundation of many modern personality systems. Understanding how your personality traits can serve as indications of behavioural patterns is crucial as one of the major things that personality affects is our learning motivation. The reason why we learn something is important and it shapes the approach on how we learn something. Since learning styles can be thought of as habits, personality traits inevitably affect learning behaviours and serve a facilitative role with regards to motivation. It is important to emphasize that no one personality type is superior to another. Each personality type has its own preferences on how they approach learning and is motivated by different factors.
Personality Traits Strongly Affect Students in Areas Like:

Key Learning Dimension

The GRIP Learning Profile™ – Key Learning Dimension is built based upon a modified work of “Index of Learning Style”, developed by Dr Richard Felder and Barbara Soloman in the late 1980s. This learning style model has been extensively researched and validated by various education researchers. Key learning dimensions refers to the dimensions that we have identified to have significant impact upon each of our learnings, specifically pertaining to information that we received as part of the learning process. Every student has preferences and tendencies for certain ways of taking in and processing information and responding to different instructional environments. Some students tend to prefer trying things out to see what happens while others are more inclined to think things through first; some are more comfortable with concrete, real-word information with details and others are more drawn to abstract theories and find meaning and patterns behind; some get more out from visual imagery while others will prefer a verbal explanation; some prefer to process information in a sequential manner and others have more holistic orientation, and so on. According to this model there are four dimensions of learning styles. Think of these dimensions as a continuum with one learning preference on the far left and the other on the far right.

Sensory Preferences – VAK Theory

The GRIP Learning Profile™ – Sensory Preferences is built upon a widely adopted VAK Sensory Theory of learning styles. The original VAK concepts were first developed by psychologists and teaching (of children) specialists such as Fernald, Keller, Orton, Gillingham, Stillman and Montessori, starting in the 1920’s. Each of us have a preference of how we take in information through our major senses, which in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) refers to as representational systems or sensory modalities in the studies of the way mental processing takes place. While most people use all their senses daily, one system may seem to dominate. In GRIP Learning, we adopt in our accompanying training programs of what we call the “Markova Stacks” model, coined by Education Psychologist Dawna Markova, which defines six basic learning patterns that applies to all of us. The VAK learning styles model provides a very easy and quick reference inventory by which to assess people’s preferred learning styles, and then most importantly, to design learning methods and experiences that match people’s preferences.

Multiple Intelligence

The GRIP Learning Profile™ – Multiple Intelligence is built upon the methodology devised by Dr Howard Gardner. The Multiple Intelligences Theory developed by Dr Howard Gardner was first published in his book, “Frames Of Mind” (1983). The theory explores human capabilities beyond our conventional concept of Intelligence (or IQ). Unlike traditional theories of intelligence that focus on one single general intelligence, Gardner believed that people instead have multiple different ways of thinking and learning. This theory helps us conceptualize the idea that the human mind possesses a number of “processors” that contribute to different mental abilities. The types of intelligence that a person possesses (Dr Gardner theorize that each of us are strong in three types) indicates not only a person’s capabilities, but also the manner or method in which they prefer to learn and develop their strengths – and also develop their weaknesses.
Multiple Intelligence
“It’s a remarkable feature of our educational system that we give students so much stuff to learn and rarely tell them how to go about learning that stuff. Learners tend to think of ‘how do I get all this stuff into my head?’ and they don’t spend much time considering how they will get all of that stuff back out of their heads when the time comes to retrieve it.” – Purdue University Psychologist , Jeffrey D. Karpicke